Alarming omissions – Westonka ballot question #1: levy renewal

The Westonka Bond Con continues. Most of the focus of the Westonka school district election coming up has been on the whopper $170 Million dollars ($93.4M bond plus 5% interest for 25 years) for a high school remodel (what the majority of the bond is allocated for). But, there’s another question, question #1, on the ballot asking voters to renew a soon to expire annual $2.575 million dollar capital projects levy.

First, it’s not just $2.575 million dollars. The levy is for ten years so the amount voters are considering is over TWENTY-FIVE MILLION DOLLARS, NOT 2.5M. Promotional info drumming up support for the measure takes great care to only focus on annual numbers, as the true cost of these bonds are rather alarming.

The strategy is to minimize the amounts and tax impact in hopes of lowering voter turnout. School district voters might actually show up if they knew they were going to be voting on close to TWO HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS that could begin hitting their taxes in 2024.

Second, and more importantly, they’re leading voters to think that renewing the expiring levy has no impact on their taxes. Seriously. They actually have a chart on the school district website (see below)! I know they assume everyone is a low information voter, but extending a $25,000,000 levy absolutely DOES impact taxes. How could it not?!

The fact the district is duping voters into thinking that another $25 million dollar commitment won’t impact their taxes is outrageously deceptive.

If the levy is NOT renewed it will absolutely result in a levy DECREASE. The expired levy would go away having been paid off. So how could there be no impact on taxes if it doesn’t go away? I’m confused.

A “yes” vote means you’re agreeing to keep making payments on an expired levy totaling over $25,000,000 passed in 2014, without the benefit of disclosures required for new bond referendums.

A “no” vote means you realize that the 2014 levy, authorized for ten years, has expired, been paid off and you’re not agreeing to keep making payments on it for another 10 years.

Don’t fall for the con. There will be a decrease in the levy if the renewal fails, and there will be a corresponding impact to property taxes if it passes.

Early voting begins Friday, September 22 in Suite A of the Educational Service Center, 5901 Sunnyfield Rd. E., Minnetrista, MN. Go to the pollfinder to find out where to vote on Election Day, Tuesday, November 7.

3 thoughts on “Alarming omissions – Westonka ballot question #1: levy renewal

  1. Taxpayers are already paying for the Capital Projects Levy (this is also called a Technology Levy). The district is not increasing the amount they are asking for, they are extending the same levy for the same amount for another ten years. Unless the district’s tax base is decreasing, or your personal valuation is increasing significantly, taxpayers will not see an increase in their taxes.


    1. Some verbal gymnastics there. The district says the $25,000,000 expiring bond will not “impact” property taxes if it’s renewed. That is simply not true. Whether it is renewed or whether it fails it will, indeed, have an impact on property taxes. A “no” vote will decrease property taxes and a “yes” vote will have a corresponding effect. STOP THE CON!


  2. Excellent research! The school district should be ashamed for lying to us and pull questions 1 & 2 from the November election. Thanks for keeping us informed.


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